
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Time configuration on stand alone Esxi server 5.1 (Part 4)

Time configuration

It is necessary to configure Time configuration to know correct time of events and alarms, make sure port 123 (Time protocol) is open on firewall.

Confirm settings

Installing vsphere client and configuring standalone esxi server 5.1 (Part 3)

Installing vsphere client and configuring standalone esxi server.

After configuring network, we need to Install vsphere client from esxi website https://<esxi_server IP or hostname> or  Insert vSphere 5.1 suite DVD and select vSphere client from menu to install with default setup. Esxi require this client for further connection. here is the screenshot you cna download vsphere client.
Or you can install it from vcenter iso file also.

Make sure your DNS infrastructure is configured correctly (configured reverse lookup zone), Create A resource records, for esxi01 server for proper name resolution. (Settings on DNS server) try pinging esxi hostname and check if you get repsonse.
Here is how you can configure A record (glue record entry) in dns server.

Launch VMware vsphere client and enter IP address or hostname of Esxi server and enter username root and password.

Ignore the certificate warning.

Congrats, You are in. and can now manage server further and it can be managed graphically using client.

Configuring ESXi 5.1 server DCUI (Part 2)

Configuring ESXi DCUI 5.1 server

As our installation is completed, after post installation we need to configure static IP address and hostname on the server. This yellow and gray user interface is called DCUI. Direct command user interface, 
As you can see it has got IP address from DHCP, we need to setup some IP so we can connect esxi server remotely, hit F2 then enter root as username and your password.

Select configure mangement network, from DCUI list., In that you can select what network card you want to use for networking, hostname, IP, dns, vlan and other things.

Select IP configuration and enter IP address and gateway details, you can use navigation keys and tab to select options.

as I am connected to access port vlan is not required. and set some static ipv4 IP.

Press enter to (to come back previous menu) configure, DNS configuration (Type primary DNS server, Hostname)

Configure custom DNS suffixes, this will be your domain where you want to put esxi server. 


Press ESC key once you are on configure management network page. and press Y to commit changes. Networking is configured try pinging server if you are able to we are all set for next step