
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Part 3: Building Microsoft failover clustered HyperV LAB at home

Building Microsoft failover clustered HyperV LAB at home
Lab configuration: Part 1

Configuring and Testing High Availability of VM: Part 8

Configuring initiator and shared disks on Hyperv01

Click iscsi initiator from administrative tools.

Click yes to start Service and set it to automatic so it will start iscsi service after every reboot automatically.

 Next enter target IP and press quick connect.

It has connected to target via 3620 port. Press done. And you will see Target is in discovered Targets list  and status is connected.

Go to Server Manager>Storage>Disk management, right click disk1 bring it online then right click disk2 bring it online as well. Once they are online status of disk1 and disk2 will change to not initialized. Initialize them.

right click on disk1 and click initialize disk, keep all the defaults and press ok.

Both disk will get initialize and we can format them.

Once they are online right click disk 1 create a new simple volume.

Keep all the defaults except below configurations.
Drive letter: P
Volume label: Shared_disk

Format disk 2 with  below configuration
Drive letter: Q
Volume label: Quorum_disk

Once configuration done check in computer which hard disk are showing, they should look like below.

Configuring initiator and shared disks on Hyperv02.

Follow the same steps from configuring initiator on Hyperv01 on Hyperv02 for configuration of iSCSI initiator.

To configure disk make them online no need to initialize and format them as those shared disks are already initialized and formatted by Hyperv01 host. Just need to change their drive letters.

Change drive letter of 20 gb disk to P: and drive letter of 1 gb to Q:

Press ok, then yes, then ok again.
Now check in the computer you will see 2 drives P: and Q:

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