
Saturday, December 21, 2013

PowerCLI esxi host Physical nic info in nice table format

This powershell script gets information about physical nic CDP, Bandwidth, Duplex, Svswitch or dvswitch connected to etc.. Replace with your vcenter or esxi host FQDN or IP address.

I have tested this script with powershell v3, powercli v5.5 and vsphere 5.x.

 ## Version: 1  
 ## Tested this script on  
 ##  1) Powershell v3  
 ##  2) Powercli v5.5  
 ##  3) Vsphere 5.x  
 Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.core  
 Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Vds  
 $vCenterCred = Get-Credential -Message "vCenter server or esxi credentials"  
 $vcenterServer = ""  
 Connect-viServer -server $vcenterServer -Credential $vCenterCred  
 $Collection = @()  
 $Esxihosts = Get-VMHost | Where-Object {$_.ConnectionState -eq "Connected"}  
 foreach ($Esxihost in $Esxihosts) {  
   $Esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $Esxihost  
   $Esxihostview = Get-VMHost $EsxiHost | get-view  
   $NetworkSystem = $Esxihostview.Configmanager.Networksystem  
   $Networkview = Get-View $NetworkSystem  
   $DvSwitchInfo = Get-VDSwitch -VMHost $Esxihost  
   if ($DvSwitchInfo -ne $null) {  
     $DvSwitchHost = $DvSwitchInfo.ExtensionData.Config.Host  
     $DvSwitchHostView = Get-View $  
     $VMhostnic = $  
     $DVNic = $DvSwitchHost.config.backing.PnicSpec.PnicDevice  
   $VMnics = $Esxihost | get-vmhostnetworkadapter -Physical   #$_.NetworkInfo.Pnic  
   Foreach ($VMnic in $VMnics){  
       $realInfo = $Networkview.QueryNetworkHint($VMnic)  
       $pNics = $ | where-object {$ -eq $} | Select-Object Description, Link           
       $Description = $  
       $CDPextended = $realInfo.connectedswitchport  
         if ($vmnic.Name -eq $DVNic) {  
           $vSwitch = $DVswitchInfo | where-object {$vmnic.Name -eq $DVNic} | select-object -ExpandProperty Name  
         else {  
           $vSwitchname = $Esxihost | Get-VirtualSwitch | Where-object {$_.nic -eq $VMnic.DeviceName}  
           $vSwitch = $  
   $CDPdetails = New-Object PSObject  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name EsxName -Value $esxihost.Name -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name VMNic -Value $VMnic -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name vSwitch -Value $vSwitch -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Link -Value $pNics.Link -MemberType NoteProperty   
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name PortNo -Value $CDPextended.PortId -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Device-ID -Value $CDPextended.devID -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Switch-IP -Value $CDPextended.Address -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name MacAddress -Value $vmnic.Mac -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name SpeedMB -Value $vmnic.ExtensionData.LinkSpeed.SpeedMB -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Duplex -Value $vmnic.ExtensionData.LinkSpeed.Duplex -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Pnic-Vendor -Value $pNics.Description -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name Pnic-drivers -Value $vmnic.ExtensionData.Driver -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $CDPdetails | Add-Member -Name PCI-Slot -Value $vmnic.ExtensionData.Pci -MemberType NoteProperty  
   $collection += $CDPdetails  
 $Collection | Sort-Object esxname, vmnic | ft *  
 Disconnect-VIserver * -confirm:$false  

I  have written script to pull information from CDP as well as LLDP also check this link.

Save complete virtual PortGroup information Settings - Powercli

Powercli Pull CDP and LLDP information in single nice table format - Part 2


  1. Hi Kunal,

    The vSwitch info is coming as blank. We have DVS in env.

  2. Need to change -eq with -contains operator for dvswitching bit to work

    if ($vmnic.Name -eq $DVNic) {

    $vSwitch = $DVswitchInfo | where-object {$vmnic.Name -eq $DVNic} | select-object -ExpandProperty Name

    if ($DVNic -Contains $VMnic.Name) {
    $vSwitch = $DVswitchInfo | where-object {$DVNic -Contains $VMnic.Name} | select-object -ExpandProperty Name

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi,
    is it possible to also view if a vmnic is removed from the uplink ports?
    This is great but shows that there's a connection upstream but what if the physical network adapter is removed from an uplink?

  5. This is really amazing script. I need vmnic uptime could you please provide me command which I mention in this script?
