This is my second post in the 2016, first post was about Getting VMs folder Path from VMs and Templates vCenter., Which helped me to backup those VMs folder path from VMs and template, but the next task was to move vms to its respective folder.
This is the script I used to migrate VMs to folder path, You can check on how to keep this function in Powershell profile from my earlier post. Also make sure you have already got vms folder path before moving esxi to new vcenter and list is in text file as shown earlier.
Next is login to new vcenter using powercli and execute. (Make sure you have datacenter, and folder names are same on other vCenter, and created them time ahead, so you dont miss the thing and retain all the folder structure as it is)
Get-Content -Path c:\temp\VmFolderPathList.txt | Move-VMtoFolderPath
This is the script I used to migrate VMs to folder path, You can check on how to keep this function in Powershell profile from my earlier post. Also make sure you have already got vms folder path before moving esxi to new vcenter and list is in text file as shown earlier.
function Move-VMtoFolderPath {
Move VM to folder path
The function retrives complete folder Path from vcenter (Inventory >> Vms and Templates)
Author: Kunal Udapi
No Parameters Required
PS> Get-Content -Path c:\temp\VmFolderPathList.txt | Move-VMtoFolderPath
## Version: 1
## Tested this script on
## 1) Powershell v4
## 2) VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.0 Release 1 build 2548067
## 3) Vsphere 5.5
Foreach ($FolderPath in $Input) {
$list = $FolderPath -split "\\"
$VMName = $list[-1]
$count = $list.count - 2
0..$count | ForEach-Object {
$number = $_
if ($_ -eq 0 -and $count -gt 2) {
$Datacenter = Get-Datacenter $list[0]
} #if ($_ -eq 0)
elseif ($_ -eq 0 -and $count -eq 0) {
$Datacenter = Get-Datacenter $list[$_]
#VM already in Datacenter no need to move
} #elseif ($_ -eq 0 -and $count -eq 0)
elseif ($_ -eq 0 -and $count -eq 1) {
$Datacenter = Get-Datacenter $list[$_]
} #elseif ($_ -eq 0 -and $count -eq 1)
elseif ($_ -eq 0 -and $count -eq 2) {
$Datacenter = Get-Datacenter $list[$_]
} #elseif ($_ -eq 0 -and $count -eq 2)
elseif ($_ -eq 1) {
$Folder = $Datacenter | Get-folder $list[$_]
} #elseif ($_ -eq 1)
else {
$Folder = $Folder | Get-Folder $list[$_]
} #else
} #0..$count | foreach
Move-VM -VM $VMName -Destination $Folder
} #Foreach ($FolderPath in $VMFolderPathList)
}#function Set-FolderPath
Next is login to new vcenter using powercli and execute. (Make sure you have datacenter, and folder names are same on other vCenter, and created them time ahead, so you dont miss the thing and retain all the folder structure as it is)
Get-Content -Path c:\temp\VmFolderPathList.txt | Move-VMtoFolderPath
Once executed, you will see what vms has been moved.
You can also monitor tasks in vCenter to view what is going on.
once everything is fine, you will see actual result in VMs and template under Inventory, all the vms moved to its respective folder.
Warns that move-vm is being deprecated, followed by failed with the following message "The request refers to an unexpected or unknown type."
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance!
Same message here.