I got task to update ssh banner message on all the all esxi servers. (Which shows while logging through ssh). This is an easy task using host profiles. But I thought give a shot with powercli to update all esxi servers.
Here idea is to modify /etc/motd file on esxi server and put your banner text. all this you need to using ssh into esxi host from windows.
Default banner page:
Here I have used plink.exe utility from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html which is command line tool for ssh from windows. I downloaded it and copied it on my c:\windows\system32.
Next I created one text file called motd.txt and put it under c:\scripts folder for easy access and the content of the files are as in the screenshot.
#Note: You can add line cp /etc/motd /etc/motd.bac on first line to backup motd file.first line echo " +=======" > /etc/motd (Be aware - only one greater than sign will replace/overwrite everything in the /etc/motd file)
rest of the lines echo " | |" >> /etc/motd" (double greater than sign will append data)
Now to ssh into esxi server SSH service must be running, which I have enabled through powercli
Note: I have tested this script in my lab environment first.Make sure password for the all esxi are same.
## http://kunaludapi.blogspot.com
## Version: 1
## Tested this script on
## 1) Powershell v3
## 2) Powercli v5.5
## 3) Vsphere 5.x
$cred = Get-Credential -Message "Vcenter or esxi username and password"
Connect-Viserver vcenterserver -Credential $cred
Add-PSSnapin vmware.vimautomation.core
$command = "C:\scripts\motd.txt"
$esxiHosts = Get-VMHost
$root = "root"
$Passwd = "Newpassword"
foreach ($esxiHost in $esxiHosts) {
$SSHservice = $esxiHost | Get-VMHostService | where {$psitem.key -eq "tsm-ssh"}
if ($SSHservice.Running -eq $False) {
$esxiHost | Get-VMHostService | where {$psitem.key -eq "tsm-ssh"} | Start-VMHostService
Write-Output "yes" | plink.exe -ssh root@$esxihost -P 22 -pw $passwd -m $command
$esxiHost | Get-VMHostService | where {$psitem.key -eq "tsm-ssh"} | Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$false